Funding.SWIP UK has a small amount of money that can be made available to those in need of financial assistance to organise or attend events associated with SWIP UK or that further our aims. In the event of our funding not being fully allocated as above, we will consider applications from individuals or event organisers who are in need of financial assistance to attend or host philosophical meetings that cohere with the aims of SWIP UK.
Funding policy.
SWIP UK will award funding in line with the following guidelines:
- Applicants must be Members or Friends of SWIP UK.
- Priority will be given first to applicants applying for funds needed to attend or organise SWIP UK events, and then to applicants attending or organising events that help to further the aims of SWIP UK.
- We will only fund event applications that comply with the BPA/SWIP Good Practice Scheme for conference organisers and which give due consideration to accessibility with regard to disability and other relevant access considerations, such as caregiving.
- A maximum of £250 will be allocated per event. The maximum amount awarded to individuals applying for financial assistance is £150.
- Priority will be given to applications for financial assistance from students and people who are unemployed/underemployed.
- In the event of a SWIP UK sponsored event running at a surplus, excess funds must be returned (proportionately) to SWIP UK.
- Bursaries awarded to individuals will be awarded in arrears and on receipt of all relevant supporting evidence (invoices for conference fees, travel/subsistence receipts etc).
- Prior to an application for financial assistance being made to SWIP UK, we ask that alternative sources of funding (i.e. from a home institution or funding body) be pursued.
How to apply.
All funding applications should be made via email to Victoria Wang. Applications will then be discussed by the SWIP UK Funding Committee. Individual applications will be dealt with on a rolling basis. For event funding, applications should be submitted for one of the three application deadlines per year. Each year these are as follows: the 1st of February, the 1st of June, and the 1st of October. SWIP UK aims to advise applicants of the outcome of decisions via email within one month of the submission date (for individual applications) or within one month of the relevant closing date (for all other applications).
Applications should include:
Applications should include:
- The names, institutional affiliations (if applicable) and correspondence addresses of all of the applicants,
- A brief (no more than 300 words) description of the reason for the application and the aims and purposes of the proposed event.
- A clear budget overview stating the amount applied for and, in the case of conferences, expected income and expenditure. Individuals applying for funding need only provide their predicted expenses and details of any additional funding they have received for the event in question.
- Event organisers only: a brief statement of the steps you are taking to implement the BPA/SWIP Good Practice Scheme for conference organisers, and to make the conference accessible with regard to disability and other relevant access considerations, such as caregiving.